Auxiliary function as user interface for aftgee
and aftsrr
maxiter = 50,
reltol = 0.001,
trace = FALSE,
seIni = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
parCl = parallel::detectCores()/2,
gp.pwr = -999
max number of iteration.
relative error tolerance.
a binary variable, determine whether to display output for each iteration.
a logical value indicating whether a new rank-based initial value is computed for each resampling sample in variance estimation.
an logical value indicating whether parallel computing is used for resampling and bootstrap.
an integer value indicating the number of CPU cores used when parallel = TRUE
an numerical value indicating the GP parameter when rankWeights = GP
The default value is half the CPU cores on the current host.
A list with the arguments as components.
When trace
is TRUE, output for each iteration is printed to the screen.