aftgee |
| aut, cre |
censCov |
| aut, cre |
permDep |
| aut, cre |
reReg |
| aut, cre |
rocTree |
| aut, cre |
spef |
| aut, cre |
tranSurv |
| aut, cre |
The aftgee package implements recently developed inference procedures for the accelerated failure time (AFT) models with both the rank-based approach and the least squares approach.
censCov implementsthreshold regression approaches for linear regression models with a covariate subject to random censoring, including deletion threshold regression and completion threshold regression. Reverse survival regression, which flip the role of response variable and the covariate, is also considered.
permDep implements permutation approaches to test for quasi-independence in left-truncated right-censored survival data.
reReg implements a collection of regression models for recurrent event process and failure time. The package is still under active development.
This package is working in progress.
Functions for fitting semiparametric regression models for panel count survival data.
tranSurv implements methods for survival analysis under a dependent truncation and independent right censoring via a structural transformation method.