fits transformation model under dependent truncation and independent censoring via a structural transformation model.
trReg(formula, data, subset, tFun = "linear", method = c("kendall", "adjust"), B = 0, control = list())
formula | a formula expression, of the form |
data | an optional data frame in which to interpret the variables occurring
in the |
subset | an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
tFun | a character string specifying the transformation function or a user specified function indicating the relationship between \(X\), \(T\), and \(a\).
method | a character string specifying how the transformation parameter is estimated. The available options are |
B | a numerical value specifies the bootstrap size for estimating the standard error.
When |
control | a list of control parameters. The following arguments are allowed:
The main assumption on the structural transformation model is that it assumes there is a latent, quasi-independent truncation time that is associated with the observed dependent truncation time, the event time, and an unknown dependence parameter through a specified funciton. The structure of the transformation model is of the form: $$h(U) = (1 + a)^{-1} \times (h(T) + ah(X)),$$ where \(T\) is the truncation time, \(X\) is the observed failure time, \(U\) is the transformed truncation time that is quasi-independent from \(X\) and \(h(\cdot)\) is a monotonic transformation function. The condition, \(T < X\), is assumed to be satisfied. The quasi-independent truncation time, \(U\), is obtained by inverting the test for quasi-independence by one of the following methods:
method = "kendall"
by minimizing the absolute value of the restricted inverse probability weighted Kendall's tau or maximize the corresponding \(p\)-value.
This is the same procedure used in the trSUrvfit()
method = "adjust"
includes a function of latent truncation time, \(U\), as a covariate.
A piece-wise function is constructed based on (\(Q + 1\)) indicator functions on whether \(U\) falls in the \(Q\)th and the (\(Q+1\))th percentile,
where \(Q\) is the number of cutpoints used. See control
for details.
The transformation parameter, \(a\), is then chosen to minimize the significance of the coefficient parameter.
data(channing, package = "boot") chan <- subset(channing, entry < exit) trReg(Surv(entry, exit, cens) ~ sex, data = chan)#> #> Call:trReg(formula = Surv(entry, exit, cens) ~ sex, data = chan) #> #> Sample size = 457 #> Number of events = 175 #> #> Transformation parameter is -0.8033718 #> #> Standard errors obtained from 0 bootstrap samples. #> coef se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) #> sexMale 0.51 NA NA NA #>#> #> Call:trReg(formula = Surv(entry, exit, cens) ~ sex, data = chan, method = "adjust", #> control = list(G = 10)) #> #> Sample size = 457 #> Number of events = 175 #> #> Transformation parameter is -0.8354068 #> #> Standard errors obtained from 0 bootstrap samples. #> coef se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) #> sexMale 0.503 NA NA NA #> #> #> Coefficient estimates for transformed truncation times used in the adjusted model: #> coef se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) #> T'(a) 0 0 -0.001 1 #>